eBook Reviews - 10 being the highest score

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eBOOK RATING FOR: 'What Is Your Scene? - Mini Version'

We rate this eBook a 10 out of 10: eBook called 'What Is Your Scene? - Mini Version'   as it has 20 hilarious scenes that will work for most parties for the ages of 8 and up with 4 or more players. The cost and convenience is perfect for your next party to try it out as we downloaded it and had some great laughs! Great value!

eBOOK RATING FOR: 'What Is Your Scene? - Ultimate Series'

We rate this eBook a 10 out of 10: eBook called 'What Is Your Scene? - Ultimate Series' has over 200 scenes, over 10 times the scenes of the mini version, and these scenes are placed in 15 excellent and very funny scene categories. Tons more fun in this 'What Is Your Scene? - Ultimate Series' eBook. The eBook Game is 4 or more players and also for ages 8 and up.

These games are perfect for parties as they produce creative thinking and get lots of laughs. The mini version only has 20 scenes so after playing the mini version, you can see why people are buying the 'What Is Your Scene?' - Ultimate Series eBook , since it has over 200 scenes in 15 scene categories.    Click on this http://youtu.be/thhcp73cAgs Video link for a quick view of, How the eBook Game, 'What Is Your Scene?', works.  We got the eBook Game from the internet in less than 10 minutes (no need to drive to a store) using the 3 steps at the bottom of this page:


We rate the score card a 9 out of 10 as it let us add new players easily, add new scores easily, showing the new scoring leader in the title for each round, and let us email the scores to ourselves with a game id link to continue the game later. We got the email from them, clicked on the link to continue the game, and after entering the access code, all our previous scores showed up in the grid for us to continue scoring. This score card would get a 10 out of 10 if it had unlimited rounds however 20 rounds is sufficent for most games.

Steps below are how to get the  'What Is Your Scene? - Mini Version'   

Step 1:  Click on this link Free eBook Reader to download your free eBook reader to your FireFox, Chrome or Safari Internet Browser.

Step 2:  Click on this Free eBook called 'What Is The Scene?' (which takes you to www.amazon.com but you can go to www.amazon.com , www.amazon.ca or www.amazon.co.uk where ever you live the closest). To the left of the search text box, change the category drop down to 'Kindle Store' if you cannot find it. Click on the cover page to see the description of the eBook below the cover page picture.  Click on the Add to Cart button and then Check out your order buying the eBook.  Amazon will email an order confirmation to the email id you entered and let you download this 'What Is Your Scene?' eBook to your free eBook reader that you downloaded in the above paragraph. When you open this eBook game, on your free eBook Cloud Reader, then get your friends together and have a hilarious time. 

Step 3: Click on this http://youtu.be/XezWd-05a5M Video link for Game Rules For What Is Your Scene? link if you are too busy to read them in the eBook.  It is a simple game!   A reader picks any scene, reads it to your party group and then each player can text their answers to the reader (or use pen and paper to hand your folded answer to the reader). Players respond with an answer of: WHY or HOW you think that scene came about. This is where the laughs come in, as you can get crazy answers from your party friends and you don't know who wrote(or texted or emailed) what. That is the guessing part of the game. You can keep score on this free score sheet link!


Click on this eBook Games link to find out more about eBooks and how to get them.